Precipitation events or current weather is driven by your project's/site weather station choice. CloudCompli has support for multiple weather providers that pulls in real-time weather observations. These providers are: 


  • Aeris Weather
  • IBM Weather (formerly known as Wunderground)


If weather information is inconsistent try choosing a different weather station that is close to the site. We recommend selecting Metar or Mesonet as the station provider for any Aeris weather station since these are proven to be more reliable than a personal weather station. To edit your weather station preference, go to page 2 from your project's Edit or Details page. OR Settings > Manage Weather Station.


If there are no available weather stations near your site, try selecting IBM or Aeris to find the closest weather station available. 


Please note: that weather providers have access to third-party weather stations. CloudCompli has no control over this data and is unable to verify its accuracy. As such, we recommend you periodically check the station's latest observations.